Base64 encoding from command line
Base64 encoding from command line

base64 encoding from command line
  1. #Base64 encoding from command line how to
  2. #Base64 encoding from command line zip file

$zipfilebytes – contains the bytes information, Get-Content cmdlet read zip file content $zipfileBytesBase64 | Out-File 'D:\Logs-FTP01\EncodeLogic.txt' $zipfileBytesBase64 = ::ToBase64String($zipfilebytes) $zipfilebytes = Get-Content $zipfile -Encoding byte If you want to base64 encode zip file, use below PowerShell script $zipfile = "D:\Logs-FTP01\"

#Base64 encoding from command line how to

PowerShell Get-Content cmdlet read the image file contents and convert the image to base64 string.Ĭool Tip: How to use net user command in command prompt! PowerShell Base64 Encode zip file In the above script, the PowerShell Base64 Encode, it converts the image to the Base64 string. You can easily convert image to base64 encode string as below ::ToBase64String((Get-Content D:\Logs-FTP01\powershell-mkdir.png -Encoding byte)) PowerShell base64 encode PowerShell Base64 Encode Image Using ::Unicode.GetString() method convert from base64 string in PowerShell. It uses :: FromBase64String method which accepts base64 encode the string as an input parameter. In the above PowerShell script to decode base64 string, $DecodedString = ::Unicode.GetString(::FromBase64String($EncodedString)) You can use FromBase64String() method to convert from base64 encoded string. Using the ToBase64String() method, it converts bytes to Base64 encoded string and prints it on the console. $StringBytes – variable contains Bytes for a given string using Unicode.GetBytes() $StringMsg – variable contains string content In the above PowerShell script to convert string to base64, Write-Host "Encode String: " $EncodedString $EncodedString =::ToBase64String($StringBytes) $StringBytes = ::Unicode.GetBytes($StringMsg) Let’s understand with example to base64 encode string in PowerShell.įor example, if you want to base64 encode string, use below script $StringMsg = "PowerShell Base64 Encode Example" Using Set-Content cmdlet, it out base64 encoded file content to file at the specified location.Ĭool Tip: How to find large size files in PowerShell! PowerShell Base64 Encode String $fileContentEncoded – contains base64 encode file content using ToBase64String() method which accepts $fileContentsInBytes parameter and convert file to base64. $fileContentInBytes – contains bytes about file content, get it using UTF8.GetBytes() method $FileContent – contains content of file using Get-Content cmdlet In the above PowerShell script to base64 encode file,

base64 encoding from command line

Write-Host $FileName + ".b64" + "File Encoded Successfully!" $fileContentEncoded | Set-content ($fileName + ".b64") # Save Base64 Enconde file with extension. $fileContentEncoded = ::ToBase64String($fileContentInBytes) $fileContentInBytes = ::UTF8.GetBytes($FileContent) #Get the bytes of the file content with encode PowerShell base64 encode the file contents and save file to location with. Use PowerShell script to take a file as input, read the contents of the file using Get-Content cmdlet. 5 Conclusion PowerShell Base64 Encode File Content

Base64 encoding from command line